aterosclerose caracteriza-se por lesões na túnica íntima,chamadas de
ateroma(também podem ser chamadas de placas ateromatosas ou
ateroscleróticas)que fazem protrusão nas luz dos vasos.Uma placa
aterosclerótica consiste em uma lesão
elevada com centro mole,amarelo e grumoso de lipídeos(principalmente colesterol
e ésteres do colesterol),coberta por uma cápsula fibrosa branca.
Além de
obstruir mecanicamente o fluxo sanguíneo,as placas podem romper-se,levando a
uma trombose catastrófica de vasos;as placas também enfraquecem a túnica média
subjacente e , assim,levam a formação de aneurismas.
Fonte : Robbins & Cotran
- Patologia : Bases Patológicas das Doenças - 8ª ed.
Translation: Atherosclerosis is characterized
by lesions in the intimal layer, called atheroma (also can be called
atheromatous plaque or atherosclerotic) that are protruding in the lumen of the
vessels. Atherosclerotic plaque consists of an elevated lesion with soft
center, yellow and lumpy lipid (mostly cholesterol and cholesterol esters),
covered by a fibrous capsule white.
addition to mechanically obstruct blood flow, the plates can rupture, leading
to a catastrophic thrombosis of blood vessels, the plates also weaken the
underlying tunica media and thus lead to aneurysm formation.
Visualização detalhada(Details)
Notar na imagem as
túnicas da artéria- íntima(cabeça de seta amarela)tornou-se espessada(linha
negra);média(cabeça de seta azul);adventícia(cabeça de seta preta).Notar na
intima a presença de formação de ateroma com regiões de necrose gordurosa(setas
azuis) e produção de fibras(seta amarela).
Translation: Notice in the image layers of the artery - intima (yellow arrowhead) became thickened (black line), medium (blue arrowhead); adventitia (black arrowhead). Notice in the intimal layer the presence of atheroma formation with areas of fat necrosis (blue arrows) and fiber production (yellow arrow).
Translation: Notice in the image layers of the artery - intima (yellow arrowhead) became thickened (black line), medium (blue arrowhead); adventitia (black arrowhead). Notice in the intimal layer the presence of atheroma formation with areas of fat necrosis (blue arrows) and fiber production (yellow arrow).
Visualização detalhada(Details)
Notar na imagem o espessamento(linha negra) da túnica
intima(cabeça de seta preta);notar também o centro necrótico(linha vermelha) e
a capa fibrótica (seta azul) que compõe todo o ateroma(linha negra).;seta amarela
e azul indicam respectivamente túnica média e adventícia.
Translation: Notice in the image thickening (black line) of the intimal layer (black arrowhead), also note the necrotic center (red line) and the fibrous cap (blue arrow) that composes all over the atheroma (black line)., Yellow and blue arrow respectively indicate the medial and adventitial layers.
Translation: Notice in the image thickening (black line) of the intimal layer (black arrowhead), also note the necrotic center (red line) and the fibrous cap (blue arrow) that composes all over the atheroma (black line)., Yellow and blue arrow respectively indicate the medial and adventitial layers.
Visualização detalhada(Details)
Na imagem nota-se uma coloração diferente - Coloração de Gomori,a qual cora as fibras eláticas – notar a presença de todas as camadas(setas azul,amarela e preta –
respectivamente íntima,média e adventícia).A linha negra mostra o ateroma além
de representar o espessamento da íntima.Área de necrose gordurosa(cabeça de
seta amarela) intercalada com área de produção de fibras(cabeça de seta azul).
Translation: Pictured notes a different staining - Gomori staining, which stains elastic fibers - note the presence of all layers (arrows blue, yellow and black - respectively intima, media and adventitia). A black line shows the atheroma beyond represent intimal thickening. Area of fat necrosis (yellow arrowhead) interspersed with area of production of fibers (blue arrowhead).
Translation: Pictured notes a different staining - Gomori staining, which stains elastic fibers - note the presence of all layers (arrows blue, yellow and black - respectively intima, media and adventitia). A black line shows the atheroma beyond represent intimal thickening. Area of fat necrosis (yellow arrowhead) interspersed with area of production of fibers (blue arrowhead).
Visualização detalhada(Details)
Em maior aumento a linha negra mostra o ateroma,além de representar o
espessamento da íntima.Área de necrose gordurosa(cabeça de seta amarela)
intercalada com área de produção de fibras(cabeça de seta azul).
Translation: In Greatest increase the black line shows the atheroma, besides representing the thickening of intimal layer. Area of fat necrosis (yellow arrowhead) interspersed with area of production of fibers (blue arrowhead).
Translation: In Greatest increase the black line shows the atheroma, besides representing the thickening of intimal layer. Area of fat necrosis (yellow arrowhead) interspersed with area of production of fibers (blue arrowhead).
Visualização detalhada(Details)
Notar na imagem o espessamento(linha negra) da túnica
intima(cabeça de seta preta);notar também o centro necrótico(linha vermelha) e
a capa fibrótica (seta azul) que compõe todo o ateroma(linha negra).;seta amarela
e azul indicam respectivamente túnica média e adventícia.
Translation : Notice in the image thickening (black line) of the tunica intima (black arrowhead), also note the necrotic center (red line) and the fibrous cap (blue arrow) that composes all over the atheroma (black line)., Yellow and blue arrow indicate respectively tunica media and adventitia.
Translation : Notice in the image thickening (black line) of the tunica intima (black arrowhead), also note the necrotic center (red line) and the fibrous cap (blue arrow) that composes all over the atheroma (black line)., Yellow and blue arrow indicate respectively tunica media and adventitia.
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